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Watch Virtual Try-On (VTO)

Allow shoppers to virtually try-on watches on their wrist using Augmented Reality (AR).

Virtual Try-On (VTO) for watches allows shoppers to try on watches at scale prior to purchasing. Using AR technology, shoppers can simply snap a photo of their wrist and realistically visualize a watch on themselves.

Benefits for the retailer:

  • Creates an engaging and interactive shopping experience.
  • Builds trust with shoppers to increase retention rates.
  • Reduces returns by allowing shoppers to try before they buy.
  • Increases customer confidence.
Virtual Try-On for Watches
Watch Virtual Try-On

User Experience:

Online shoppers can use the VTO platform by clicking “On Me” to take a photo of their wrist and realistically view a watch on their wrist. The shoppers can interact with the watch and move it along their wrist.

Shoppers will also have access to the Wrist Size Calibration tool that allows them to accurately scale their wrist to ensure accurate sizing display.

Virtual Try-On for Watches
Drag and Zoom with VTO.

The online shoppers can also share their experience with friends and family using the sharing feature.

Share your watch Virtual Try- On Photos
Share Watch Virtual Try-On with an automated URL (via SMS).
Share your watch Virtual Try-On photo
What the recipient sees after opening the shared link.