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Disadvantages of TYP script

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Tracked transactions and prices might not match between two analytics

We noted on several clients that the number of transactions and product prices differed for unknown reasons between client’s and Tangiblee’s GA Properties. Our assumptions:

  • client makes a discount on the product, while the Tangiblee code does not know about it
  • client sends prices in a currency other than the one used by Tangiblee
  • client redirects users to another site/page after paying for the order, where there is no Tangiblee code
  • client sends transactions to its GA account from websites/webpages that are unknown to Tangiblee
  • client uses offline tracking
  • time set in our and client GA Property is different. Hence, two reports use different subsets of data

Tangiblee do not guarantee that TYP script will work properly after initial setup

There is no process to double-check or monitor the integration of a TYP script, and we can't be sure that it exactly replicates the tracking implemented by the client. Therefore, there is no guarantee that our statistics will match tomorrow and onward.

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