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How does Tangiblee collect info from a product feed?

Tangiblee’s preferred method is to crawl your website to collect all necessary information. 

Why do we need product information?

Tangiblee needs the following information from your product pages:

  • Product SKU #
  • Product Title
  • Product URL
  • Category URL
  • Product Image URL
  • Product Dimensions

Why does Tangiblee prefer crawling instead of a feed?

We know retailers are very busy and we are always looking for ways to minimize the resources that we need from your team. If you don’t already have an existing feed that contains all the necessary information listed below, it can be a very time and resource-intensive task. If you elect to use a feed, we need you to maintain that feed for the lifetime of the partnership. When you allow Tangiblee to crawl your website, we are able to create this feed and maintain it for the lifetime of our partnership further eliminating the work on your side.

There are multiple ways that Tangiblee can retrieve the product info via your feed: 

*Via API

If your website provides an API to obtain product data, Tangiblee can connect to the API and obtain the product data dimensions and images.

  1. Tangiblee will need ACCESS CREDENTIALS in order to connect to your API.
  2. Tangiblee will need your *feed URL. (See below for fields needed in that URL)
  3. Tangiblee works with any file format or feed type; however, Tangiblee may need to confirm specific naming conventions or feed field conventions.
CSV File

Send a CSV file to your account manager with specified product data at any format.  Tangiblee will process the data on their end. Please note:

  1. Your feed needs to be as updated as possible with the most recent, up-to-date product content. 
  2. Tangiblee may need to confirm naming conventions of the various fields in your product field. 

*What fields need to be included in my product feed URL?

  • Product SKU #
  • Product Title
  • Product URL
  • Category URL
  • Product Image URL
  • Product Dimensions