How does Tangiblee integrate with Shopify?
Tangiblee integrates with Shopify much like we integrate with all other ecommerce platforms using our Managed Integration. This is typically done via Tag Manager or by publishing our snippet directly to your product page templates.
Typical Journey for Direct Installation in Shopify if not using Tag Manager:
1. Go to Online Store and select Themes.

- Tap on “More Options” button and select “Edit code”.
- Find “main-product.liquid” file and click on it.
- Scroll down to find the closing tag and place the provided script just before it.
- Publish the script.
The script will be published only for Product Detail Pages and won’t affect Home page or landing pages.
Tangiblee also provides analytics and data to our Shopify clients through our TMP. In order to configure the TMP with your Shopify website, we request that you integrate your analytics with our platform. Please reach out to your Account Manager for additional questions.
*Please note: If you use a vintage theme we may request additional permissions. Let your account executive know and they will provide those additional steps.
Additional Use Cases
Headless Shopify Oxygen
Headless Shopify Oxygen is Shopify’s latest environment. This environment requires additional integration. Below are the items needed for Tangiblee to integrate with this environment:
- On the PDP, we need information regarding all possible SKU variations.
- On the PLP, we need the special attribute with SKUs.
Shopify Plugin
Tangiblee is evaluating developing a Shopify Plugin. Please reach out to your Account Manager for additional questions.